#Klimastreik am 20. September: Zusammen mit Fridays for Future auf die Straße!
No more empty promises: the time to act is now!
Global climate strike on 19 March 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that politicians are capable of responding decisively to global emergencies. But the climate crisis will not wait for us to overcome the pandemic. This year will be the year of the parliamentary federal elections in Germany, so we are now calling for decisive action instead of empty promises. The next four years will be crucial if the worst is to be averted. The climate crisis is already life-threatening for a great many people around the world, especially in the Global South. But so far, no German party has presented a programme through which the 1.5-degree limit can be adhered to. For this reason, we are turning this election into the climate election
Whoever wants our vote for the federal election must:
- phase out coal by 2030 at the latest and may no longer continue to expand open-cast lignite mines. We won't let people lose their homes even today for the sake of coal.
- expand renewable energy to at least 80 percent of gross electricity consumption by 2030 in a nature-compatible way and invest in alternatives to fossil gas, such as green hydrogen.
- invest in attractive local public transport and cycling infrastructure, stop all motorway projects, and set a date for a socially acceptable end to the registration of new cars with internal combustion engines. We propose an end date before 2030.
- initiate a socio-ecological transformation of the economy now and invest in climate-neutral industries instead of subsidising climate-damaging industries with Covid-19 state aid and tax breaks.
- ensure good wages and build a solidarity welfare state so that electricity, housing, food, and transport are both climate-friendly and affordable for everyone.
- stand up for climate justice in the Global South and double German climate finance by 2025.
The next few weeks and months will prove decisive. The course for the election campaign is now being set: candidates are being nominated and election manifestos are being drafted. Hence it must be clear: no party can ignore climate protection! Together we are backing Fridays for Future and their worldwide day of action.
Be there: on 19th March there will be decentralised actions all across Germany, complying with Covid-19 safety measures of course. Student protests and student demands are needed to stop global warming. Be there for a future freed from the climate crisis: #NoMoreEmptyPromises! #AlleFür1Komma5